Hey, I'm back! For good? Probably. Maybe. I don't know. We'll see. I am quite the erratic poster, after all. But don't let that stop you from checking back frequently!
I have a new short on YouTube, if anyone wants to check it out
here. Go figure.
And of course, I cannot make a post without acknowledging the recent passing of Christopher Lee. He is my favorite actor, and what can I possibly say that hasn't been said before? The man lived as full of a life as anyone possibly can. He was Dracula, Scaramanga, Summerisle, Frankenstein's monster, the Mummy, Dooku, Sherlock, and Saruman, among countless other excellent roles. Hell, he even released a heavy metal album and fought in WWII. The last great horror icon, Lee will be remembered for many years to come.
Don't forget to tune in to Turner Classic Movie on Monday, June 22, to watch the all-day Christopher Lee marathon!
Rest in peace |